Tax Cuts and Wage Disparity Tariffs: The Foundation for America’s Economic Renewal
RESTORE AMERICA’S MISSION®️ (RAM) is proud to propose a comprehensive framework that combines dynamic tax cuts with wage disparity tariffs to create a revenue-neutr
America is a Country covered like a warm comforter, with our critical set of documents called the Constitution and The Bill of Rights! All States ratified it. All people, citizens of the United States are protected by it. No State can nullify any com
The Nixon Story's assertion is Accurate. Beyond Measure. The President won by the widest margin in History! With the Greatest number of Elecoral College Votes in History. What we didn't know was the CIA's involvement in the Bloody Assassination of o
The Gathering Nuclear Storm by Mark Helprin in the Wall Street Journal, WSJ, of the Claremont Institute, is prescient, regardless it was written in SEPTEMBER 2016.
Little has changed, except the World is in an even more precarious condition. We are
Our US GOVERNMENT Led BY the Biden-Democratic Party today sees Guided Balloons by China as political opportunity! Well back in World War II, although not as powerful as a EMP device they killed Americans in crude small fire-bomb attacks. There were t
Drastic changes in diseases and causes of death since 2021 According to Section 13 of the Infection Protection Act, the Robert Koch Institute and the Paul Ehrlich Institute have to evaluate diagnosis codes from the National Association of Statutory H
Dear Dave, As discussed, the 2015 new evidences of forced organ harvesting crimes by Communist China was just released last Wednesday (11/18/2015), for your information, review, and comments (the Executive Summary is also listed below): THE FINAL HAR
THIS VERY INSTANT..from your Mobile phone tap the three numbers to call Joe Manchin! Tell him we support him! In standing in the breach to block the immin