A call for Non-Violence

I just read a post elsewhere which urged we engage the Leftist protests and take clubs and crack heads open, that we should bloody our progressive, communist adversaries. I beg to differ. We must never capitulate to the enemies of the republic. But this is not going to work to the benefit of our Constitutional Conservative Mission. We must do all we can to fight within this near perfect system that was created by  our founding fathers.  The rule of law is our friend; not our enemy! We must always do what is just. We, societally, must maintain Law and Order else we give the left exactly what they want: Anarchy followed by Marshall law with them controlling bayonets on the end of rifles, and creating exactly what you don't want. The permanent cessation of liberty, and all that goes with it. Our organization website wishes to express that it does not condone malicious rhetoric which argues for wanton destruction of human life and property. It is understood that such behavior will warrant sanctions of a warning with commentary removed. And a second infraction will result in immediate expulsion from the organization and removal from website and elimination of posting privileges. This serves as a warning of first offense. In Triumph of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Sincerely, Dave W. Dave Wallace, IIRestore America's Mission,Inc.Restoreamericasmission.orghttp://twitter.com/DaveWallaceUS Sent from my I-phone.(Excuse any typos.)Chesapeake Kitchen Wholesalers, Inc. On May 11, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Rob Johnson wrote: I checked out the commie link.  I wonder how many of those morons actually understand that understand communism means everyone is a beggar, liar, and thief.  I bet not of those dipshits has ever read Das Kapital or The Communist Manifesto.  Do any of them realize that Comrade Che sodomized then murdered a 14 year old Cuban boy?  I've had an on going debate with the Black Panthers (yes, the left overs from the 60 's),  and they are clueless idiots.  Fellow Republicans why don't any of you actively engage the marxist scum, and 60's radicals?  I do--not one of them can hold any sort of intellectual debate and hold their ground. The only good communist is a dead one--and I guarantee if I ever get any sort of power there will be machine guns facing down demonstrations such as this.  Now if anyone in the so-called Republican leadership had any balls--luckily some of us still do--we would field a counter-demonstration group that would face them down and crack skulls.  We must use the lessons of the past and the tactics of the enemy against them.  Read history my friends, we need to use the organizing tactics of the Reds and the street fighting ways of the Nazis to build a true patriotic storm troop.  The days for civility are well past and the time for action is here.  WE NEED AN ORGANIZED PARAMILITARY GROUP THAT IS READY TO STEP IN AND USURP THE FUNCTIONS OF THE POLICE AND MILITARY TO PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION AND MAINTAIN ORDER. Now are any of you willing to go out in the street, counter these treasonous scum and crack skulls?  Or are the lot of you just willing to sit around, do nothing, and yap in in righteous indignation?  Unfortunately violence is going to be the only way to save our Republic...  Even the national Republican leadership has abandoned the ideas upon which America was founded--Boehner and the others are no better than typical Soviet-type party apparatchiks, only they  wrap themselves in the Flag and spout< "God, Country and cut the deficit." Evidently only a few of us read history and have any understanding of the true import of the demonstrations.  Read Sun Tzu, it is so easy to defeat these radicals--it may mean some bloodshed, but as long as it's the enemy's--who the hell cares.  My goal is to pee on the graves of Tom Hayden, William Ayers, and  Cass Sunstein, other left-over radical 60's garbage.From: brian.riely@gmail.comTo: republican-652@meetup.comSubject: [republican-652] Check out these two linksDate: Tue, 10 May 2011 23:02:53 -0400   http://conservativebyte.com/2011/05/obamas-favorite-union-goes-full-communist/   http://cliftonchadwick.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/may-day-is-big-among-our-new-communists/     --Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (republican-652@meetup.com)This message was sent by brian riely (brian.riely@gmail.com) from Maryland Republicans.To learn more about brian riely, visit his/her member profileTo unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support@meetup.com --Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (republican-652@meetup.com)This message was sent by Rob Johnson (rjcvs@hotmail.com) from Maryland Republicans.To learn more about Rob Johnson, visit his/her member profileTo unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support@meetup.com

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