The Obama Administration has created at least three (3) situations (2 semi-related) that if fervently pursued by We the People are sufficient to bring it down. 1) The prelude, insufficient response and non-leadership in dealing with the epic Gulf of Mexico oil leak catastrophe; and 2/3) The now obvious “alleged” campaign rigging felonies and apparent cover-up attempts in relation to the Andrew Romanoff against incumbent fellow Colorado democrat Michael Bennet as well as the similar White House accommodations offered to Joe Sestak vs. sitting democrat (recently re-returned to being what he always was; liberal and untrustworthy) Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania.    


Also, in spite of ongoing lackluster if not outright misdirected and complicit political support of the so-called main stream media in their incestuous relationship with the administration related to these and other misdealings; there are those within the industry and on the left of significant note who are now beginning to demonstrate at least some forced yet open signs of dissent.


Oil Crisis - Virulent outcry nationally and internationally against the short to long term effects of the disaster resulting from the oil leak itself carry their own evident political if not criminal liabilities.  Destroying the Gulf of Mexico, its coastlines (and perhaps beyond), and all that is or was vibrantly connected to it simply speaks for itself; environmentally, economically, physically, mentally, politically.


Oil Leak - Focus on Political – Point One:  BP was one of the two largest campaign contributors to Obama.  Was this why the Government permitted this oil platform to begin drilling last year with waivers/expedited approvals without a full environmental safety review by this administration?  Whatever the reason, this was blatantly wrong if not criminal.  Another amazing fact is that the rig exploded on the very day that the crew was celebrating an award for exemplary safety.  Serious questions remain, not simply for BP, but for the Obama administration.  While the Attorney General is certainly not aiding in stopping the leak or the clean up effort, we can press him to clean house within the administration regardless of his loyalty to it.


Political - Point Two:  The complete lack of response or even a mere mention of the oil disaster by Obama until 9 days after it commenced, while he continued on his never ending election and party mode for himself and his leftist cronies and then to basically offer only a brief fly over and insincere photo op on the beach clearly demonstrated complete lack of leadership, any type of understanding of the ramifications, total lack of care and utter distaste for America, its people and even its neighbors some of whom even share his loathing of our Nation.  It appears likely that only after his handlers/puppet masters (Joel Rogers via George Soros) were finally able to break through the arrogant, delusional, extreme narcissistic cranial crust using the one technique that they could rely upon to do so, speaking to his vanity were they able to get him to feign limited, but necessary far too little, too late focus on the matter.  Calling his attention to the fact that even ardent minions were pointing out that the would-be in his own mind emperor was not wearing any clothes and that he must try to speak outrage to the damages to everyone else rather than his own ego and survival in the wake of this matter.  Yet he still could not fully bring himself to do so convincingly nor will he now ever be able to even after the leak is eventually sealed.  The multi-faceted damage will persist long afterwards.


As far as the attempted “alleged” Campaign Rigging goes, while some such as Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Ed Rendell try to deflect criticism and criminal charges away from the Obama administration by stating erroneously although evidentially a reality for those coming out of the Chicago political atmosphere that this type of behavior is simply business as usual, it is now in fact and rather recently codified into Federal law that this is clearly a violation of said laws and carries severe penalties.  When questions were originally and openly raised to White House officials on both of these campaign tampering affairs the Administration denied everything.  Further revelations by some of the parties directly involved proved otherwise, eliciting awkward, misleading responses of limited admission from the White House that raised even more questions and answered none other than they had obviously lied and were now clumsily working on a cover-up.  It is unclear at this time barring legal testimony by Joe Sestak and others related to that case as to whether or not solid evidence is available to convict and/or impeach, but the Romanoff affair so far has given up official email correspondence that fully reveals wrongdoing by officials in the White House.  What Obama knows and all others who may be involved are yet to be fully known.


What is absolutely necessary in spite of the stonewalling by Attorney General Eric Holder is that he must be forced to immediately call for independent investigations and appoint independent prosecutors on all of these matters to completely and transparently bring to light all aspects related to the “alleged” vote rigging/job offering schemes and perhaps as yet unknown instances doing the same with other races and also the Administration’s complete dealings and association with BP.  Following complete disclosure and as necessary Congress and Prosecution must follow though with impeachment and/or criminal charges of anyone found culpable in breaking of the law.


Call your Congressman, Senators and Attorney General now no matter their political affiliation or leanings.  Remember strength in numbers.  If enough speak out on our side We the People will get action whether the socialists like it or not.

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