A pilot program; what a concept: To allow people to spend and invest as they deem fit! The liberalization of the economic freedoms of the Chinese people is diametrically opposed to the more and more bellicose nature of the Chinese Military, for the time-being being restrained by lack of superiority over the United States. But, as the stealth bomber technology and other stolen military secrets are digested and placed into production and hence, roll off the assembly line the declination to confront the United States will recede and we will see a rise in their offensive posture. This will include a direct confrontation over US-South Korean joint military exercises, as well as various other confrontations which will assuredly bring a heightened risk of skirmishes and war. These conditions require we resolve to maintain a fierce battle ready military. We also must maintain our shipping lanes for the sake of our National security, Regional interests, with our greatest concern being free trade across the planet. For as we see the development of the Chinese Blue Water fleet we will see their prowess effect not only the Pacific rim, but also South and Central America, Africa, Australia, and even Europe and the Middle East. Our foreign policy must include the strengthening of ties with a natural ally, India foremost amongst many. We also must be most vigilant in our hemisphere as the influence of China strengthens throughout the Gulf and Caribbean basin states! Where we have seen an alliance between China and Venezuela as well as a growing presence in Panama and Cuba and Nicaragua ad well as other states incorporating socialist political regimes.The US re-industrialization across the board is mandatory if we shall remain safe! Our policies must incorporate a friendly tax and regulatory environment to allow industry to be re-invigorated! Energy policy must also be create independence of foreign requirements by increasing oil and Natural Gas exploration and production with a natural increase of domestic reliance on NG for transportation being a priority! Eliminating thear two major dependencies will free us to act in our countries self interests!

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