The consequence of taxes are fewer jobs!   The Pepsico beverage production has now been halted! The approximately 75 production employees have now lost their jobs.  A callus implementation of Business tax is to blame. The loss of jobs cannot be associated to anything else.  We have a clueless mayoral  administration and legislature in Baltimore as to what creates tax revenue. This thought process is a deficiency of the left wing.  They do not understand simple economics.  Regulations always have consequences but they are not always as clearly discernible as in this case.  This is a perfect example which shows the truth in these policies.  We can see this example of tax policy and regulation as a microcosm of the policies which have strapped our economic growth since the swearing in of the Preaident and the democrat congress two years earlier.   We need to understand that punitive tax policy is destroying our economy!  It is destroying jobs! And it is destroying families! And the futures of the innocent children.  We can not shrink the economic base and grow the economy! So simple and yet so hard for these brainiacs in our cities. To what level will the unemployment rate have to ascend before those being unemployed understand? When you elect those that dislike business you get punitive economic policy, and hence an economic basket case! If policies were implemented that do not penalize business jobs would ensue! And the personal lives of the residents would benefit! It is that simple!

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