Written 4/19/10


Like most if not all of you, I have been to several of these types of Events since early last year and I must acknowledge that these two were the most effective and engrossing in content that I have witnessed to date.  Both had a surprising variety of excellent speakers and participants espousing captivating messages, which spanned the spectrum from hilarious to heart wrenching and everything in between and yet all, whether expressed in song, poem, music and certainly speech were inter-related and focused.


It is estimated that participation at the April 15 National Tax Day Tea Party in D.C. on the Washington Monument grounds was a respectable 40,000.  Many came from beyond D.C., Maryland & Virginia; a good many well beyond.  Participation at the Second Amendment March/Rally today, April 19 basically at this same venue albeit during working hours was extremely frustrating and woefully inadequate.  I won’t dignify supplying a figure.  If anyone isn’t aware, I will reiterate what was stated throughout the day, “It is the Second Amendment that protects all of the other rights in the Constitution.”  This must be fully recognized and understood.  We MUST ALL stand as one to do whatever we can to ensure that this inherent right is fully protected or all others will fall.  I very sincerely pray that WE have our priorities in order going forward.    


I certainly understand and appreciate that everyone can't show up for everything for a host of reasons and restrictions and certainly not always to those activities that take place during work days including me, but I don't comprehend why far more in the Washington, D.C. region can't dedicate a bit more time to participate in the National events held there.  I continue to marvel in humble amazement at those Americans from across the entire country, who drop everything to spend their time and money to come all the way to D.C. to participate in these crucial happenings in their nation's Capitol. Yes, I’m well aware that other areas are sometimes hosting similar type events and that these State and Local affairs are equally critical if not more so depending on their nature. But, I also realize that WE the People must better coordinate these activities so we arrive in D.C. when it will be most effective and at State and local Events at other moments.  In this way we will maximize our resources and increase our effectiveness.  We must demonstrate to self-serving tyrants everywhere our full capacity to coordinate and call upon our strength in numbers and to display our conviction and resolve to set and keep Government straight.  The Usurper himself (aka Barry Sotoro, the Kenyan, Comrade-In-Chief, etc.) flew over the crowd in Marine 1 today.  I dearly wished we had a far greater show of force present for him to witness.


If there are those among you who truly can’t make it to these events and even if you do, I hope that all are vigilantly writing letters/emails to your elected officials as well as calling them to make them completely aware of your thoughts and position.  As I always say to those people that profess that they don’t have the time to do so that there is absolutely no way that they don’t have the 30 seconds necessary to call a legislator and get their basic message across.  Complacency is the very reason why we are in this dire situation; the one true crisis we face.


Like most Patriots, I have a full time job; in fact I often work very long hours.  I also have a family.  After “punching out” I dedicate as much of my remaining time to fulfilling to the utmost of my ability my other duties and responsibilities.  As you will always hear from everyone at these Rallies, Protests, Marches, etc., it is the protection of the rights and freedom of family and future generations, which serves as the primary motivation calling Patriots to duty.


While standing at the Second Amendment Rally/March today, I thought to myself the same question scrawled on someone’s poster and also voiced by others, "What is FREEDOM worth?!"

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