So creating Fuel from agriculturally rich land which could go to producing FOOD IS SMART? And creating it from fossil plant life is dumb? Hmmm, that is exactly the opposite of what is good to feed people around the planet. And the US does not produce ethanol from sugar cane, which by the way requires massive burning to remove the outer layer off the cane which is a complex carbohydrate which is not part of the production process. Instead we use acreage to produce Corn for our ethanol production. The corn as well as other products wheat barley and other grains that could be produced especially soybeans are then not produced driving up the cost! This creates food shortages and increased cost on all grains. It even worse creates shortages of feed stock for livestock reducing the availability of dense protein sources needed for people across the globe to end starvation. We have seen riots due to increased costs of corn derived tortilla/ burritto flour.  Meats,beef, pork, poultry, milk are dense in protein the major element to proper growth in children and adults which allows for proper nutrition. We have an environmental movement that has forgotten the simple element that we produce food for our own good health and for life itself. This is Paramount. Without a life nothing else matters. The simple carbon cycle starts with atmospheric Carbon in the form of CO2 to create every gram and metric ton, accounting for trillions of tons Bio Mass every year. Plants adapt to additional atmospheric carbon, increasing hydrocarbon production, the green leaves, the branches, the tree trunks, the flowers in and on terra firma, and all the way to the oceans where the phytoplankton live. The any life on earth are very adaptable to increased carbon just as is a thermostat is to temperature fluctuation. As CO2 increases so does plant activity. And plants almost exclusively derive the primary organic building block, carbon, the backbone pf every organic, living or previously living thing derived at its root from sunlight, through photosynthesis From one płace: atmospheric Carbon! It is through a process called "Carbon  Fixation!" it is time for the environmental movement to realize we are not living on a rock, we are living in a dynamic ecosystem. Ecosystem is the critical element to realize the equation of life itself is not static! It adjusts to the ENVIRONMENT! The planet because of plant life has the ability to ADAPT! Once life, all life began on this planet it adapted to the earth, and directly adapted earth to be more and more suitable for life! This must be remembered. We are not the only life that have changed its surroundings to create a more suitable environment.  We are on an amazing planet! We need to protect our selves from environmentalist political operatives with ulterior motives who will bankrupt us but instead use those resources that fit the application best. The abundance of hydrocarbons that have been laid down over billions of years are the answer, not food and agricultural land that will feed you an me, and every other person, possibly a poor starving person here or abroad and those animals that we feed to help every human being live a health life on a GREEN planet!

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