Indoctrination of America’s Youth

Obama’s Youth Corps.

“Paid for by Organizing For America” (OFA)

Formerly Barack For America (OFA)

“A Project of the Democratic National Committee”



This article should elicit great concern if not outright alarm from every American.  While it contains nothing particularly new to those who are vigilant, it does serve as a comprehensive compilation of related factual evidence that clearly demonstrates a disturbing trend by President Obama, his administration, the Democrat political machine, some public school teachers, and select youth groups to indoctrinate America’s Youth for political gain if not something even more sinister.  The depth and effort to which this is taking place has been compared to fascism and tyranny.  A recent caller to a DC radio program, who described himself as an 83 year old former German soldier and Hitler youth now living in America said essentially that the only difference he sees between the aforementioned program and the Nazis was that Hitler’s official indoctrination began with 6 year olds rather than high school age children.


The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is as follows:  Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.  Section 2.  Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


Further note that the U.S. Military is an all volunteer force.  A military draft is no longer permitted.


From my perspective it appears that President Obama clearly has another idea of what his and the government’s role is that is contrary to what is stated in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.  From his statements and actions it would seem that he believes that he is the sole leader of America and that everyone is to serve for him and the Government, which he believes that he controls.  The fact of the matter is that he is the elected representative chosen by the majority of the electorate and serves at the pleasure of the People as the executive overseeing the government.  It is We the People who control the government, which serves us.  We the People are the true leaders of the United States of America and We the Parents of America are responsible for our children’s well being.


Herein is the evidence mentioned above.  You decide.


During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Hussein Obama stated the following, “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.  We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”  Exactly what he meant by this was never defined.


“Everybody somewhere between the ages of 18 and 25 will serve 3 months of basic training in a kind of civil defense.” – Rahm Emanuel – White House Chief of Staff for Barack Obama.


This in another Obama campaign speech, “I won’t just ask for your vote as a candidate, I will ask for your service and your act of citizenship when I’m President of the United States.”


“Citizenship is not an entitlement program…it comes with responsibilities.” – Rahm Emanuel – Obama Chief of Staff.



President Obama continues to call for government service either via the military or some other avenue.  During his State of the Union Address (, he proposed government run college programs that will shorten and/or eliminate college tuition payments if the student enlists in public service, i.e. government.  In fact via this same program, the proposed schedule for repayment would be halved for a student joining the government rather than taking a private industry job.


September 8, 2009 – President Obama delivers naitionwide speech to all public schools.  Prior to the delivery there was an effort by the administration to require the children to complete an essay on how they can help the President.  After national outrage this “requirement” was dropped and many schools made it voluntary to listen.  It was interesting that the President made the obvious point for children to remain in school, while he was interrupting classes to broadcast the message (


The Youtube clip below is an elementary school teacher at school indoctrinating her class via a very disturbing muscial devoted to Obama.  This is the most famous or infamous of the genre.


This next youtube video is of a similar nature, but done outside of the classroom.


The next clip shows a militaristic youth group demonstrating their allegiance to Obama.


The following video is a compilation of several related videos and audio shorts, and quotes, which are interspersed with eerily familiar material from the Hitler/Nazi youth movement.


Now we come to Barack For America or OFA.  This was the huge internet machine that Barack Obama used to build support for his Presidential campaign.  After the election the organization continues its efforts under the new name Organizing For America; also OFA, (  It must further be noted that this organization, while “paid for” via OFA donations, it is also a project that is supported by the Democratic National Committee, the democrat candidate funding and campaign machine.


The following are excerpts from the OFA web site found under “About Organizing for America.” (2/7/2010)


“Now it's time for our movement to rise again, stand with President Obama.”


“There are many ways to get involved:”


“Joining grassroots OFA campaigns to support the President's agenda.”


“Spreading the word to friends and neighbors about the President's approach on the big issues facing our nation, like health care, energy and education. Nothing is more powerful than your voice in your community.”


“We'll let you know about local events, and send you all the information you'll need to organize around President Obama's agenda in your neighborhood.”


“Rebuilding America starts today.”


Another element of the OFA organization is Generation Obama or GO (

These are a couple of excerpts from the site’s GO page (2/7/2010):


“GO chapters form when young people get together in a community and take the initiative to get involved.”


“Raise money at these events, even if its as little as $5 per person.”


Organizing for America offers training to prospective college students to earn college credit through participation in an OFA Internship program with the goal of advancing President Obama’s political agenda.  This is clearly a violation of separating the public schools from political indoctrination.


The application form that prospective interns must complete can be found posted on the web site Atlas Shrugs.

These particular pages were copied from those passed out at Perry Local High School in Massillon, Ohio.


Make particular note of these and more items on the following form pages:


Page 1.


“…empowering students from across the country to help us bring about our (Obama’s) agenda for change.”


Page 4.


“Suggested reading”


     “Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, 1971.”  (A good read, but not necessarily for High School Students)


Page 5.


‘Suggested reading”


     “Dreams of my Father Chicago Chapters Barrack Obama”


Page 6.


“Giving volunteers more insight on the strategy and plan behind the health care campaign and further motivate them to work on the issue.”


“Managing volunteer teams is critical to a <sic> Intern’s success and to the success of our campaign and to pass crucial legislation on behalf of the President (Obama).”


Last page, last paragraph.


“…we can unveil our larger strategy for student and youth strategy in the states.”

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