Now more than ever

Today we have more reason to be alarmed at the behavior of Russia. The Russians deployed, unanounced, Two strategic Bombers Tupolev Tu-95 aircraft, which are large, four-engine strategic bombers and missile platformswhich penetrated Dutch airspace. This incursion by these aptly named " 2 Bears" was met by British and Danish interceptors prior to penetration and 2-Dutch F-16s once they entered Dutch airspace. There is speculation the Russian Bear Strategic Bombers penetrated Danish airspace. These incidents have also been perpetrated by Russia into US, Great Britain, and others. The Bear had awakened and our vigilance is critical. At a time US foreign policy is murky and has no direction we must have leadership come from our Commander in Chief, as well as our Secretary of Defense and State Department. But with the current administration we can not expect a strong response. But we Americans must have leadership. We require a revitalized Foreign policy which will only occur when we replace the current occupant of Pennsylvania Avenue! Russians only understand resolute strength. And meandering waffling statements will be misjudged and will create a mis-step on the oart of the Russians and embolden them to miscalculate our conviction to defend our strategic interests.  We can not reduce our Military preparedness. The world has gotten smaller while the magnitude of the danger has grown exponentially. And yet Russia is not even the greatest problem momentarily. We see the rise of North Korea, with concurrent cooperation of Iran, where influence over Iraq is intensified, while the interrelationship between Iran and Venezuela has created concern over a new Cuban Missile Crisis redux! We need more than ever strong Leadership. We Americans require a bold stated foreign policy for our National Security, the safety of each and every American is jeopardized with foggy, and enabling foreign policy! Strong leadership of our strategic Foreign Policy and national defense is the hallmark of Constitutional conservatism and the path to Restore America's Mission!

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