The CO2 Cap & Trade exposed

We have been hearing about the foibles of an arrogant  Congressman's Exposure. We should not loose sight of the real problems and exposing them to the light of Day. We are speaking of the Gobal Warming Policy where Big Goverent was going to impose it's will upon Middle class America So that those feeding at the trough could get rich while we paid for it. This article regarding the deceit and the lies, to fulfill a promise to impose Cap and trade on all of us came tumbling down when man stood up, didn't back down and  EXPOSED a lie! We all can take a lesson from this. When one Man speaks out what a huge benefit he can offer the world.  SEARCH THIS SITE:    NEWSPOLITICSLOCALOPINIONENTERTAINMENTSPORTSBLOGSCOMMUNITYCLASSIFIEDSCARSHOMESJOBS  PREVNext ArticleNEXTCOLUMNISTSRon Arnold: Suppressed EPA Hushgate climate report returns to snag CO2 regulationTAGS: Big Green Big Green Environmentalists climate change Dr. Alan Carlin Environment epa EPA Administrator Lisa Javckson Global Warming President Obama Ron Arnold Whistle Blowers SHARE  PRINTBy: Ron Arnold 04/14/11 8:05 PM Inside the National Center for Environmental Economics, analysts scurried to finish the vital technical support document to fulfill President Obama's most draconian campaign pledge: "Implement an economywide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050."The NCEE was ready to cement the case for the Environmental Protection Agency's "endangerment finding," the official declaration that carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels poses a threat to human health and welfare. Thousands of government careers, academic contracts, and Big Green grants hung in the balance, and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson needed to release it within days. But senior research analyst Alan Carlin, Ph.D., a 38-year EPA veteran never known as an ideologue, submitted his unlikely critique that the agency's case was full of predetermined, politically mandated, cherry-picked scientific garbage. Carlin criticized as many details as possible in the four days before the finding's release: EPA had relied on outdated research and ignored major new developments, including declines in global temperatures, projections that hurricanes won't get worse, and findings that ocean cycles best explain temperature fluctuations. "I did the reasonable thing," said Carlin. "I applied the scientific method to every study used in EPA's technical support document," as you'd expect from a man with a physics degree from CalTech and a Ph.D. in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Alarmingly, he found more computerized guesswork and editing by advocates than observable results. Carlin urgently requested that his report be forwarded immediately to top decision makers. The director refused. In an email to Carlin, he said, "The administrator and the administration has decided to move forward on endangerment, and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision." Imperiling his career, Carlin explained that he knew where his duty lay concerning scientific truth and the administration, and got these appalling replies: "I don't want you to spend any additional EPA time on climate change," and, "Do not have any direct communication with anyone outside of NCEE on endangerment. There should be no meetings, emails, written statements, phone calls etc." The message: Dr. Carlin, hush your mouth. EPA Administrator Jackson and President Obama have made up their minds. Don't bother them with facts. And don't you dare tell the American public. Hush! An outraged source in EPA who was not Carlin passed the whistleblower documents and emails to Sam Kazman, general counsel of Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington free-market think tank. Kazman was astounded by the "Hush" emails, accepted the case, and began a successful campaign to make the suppression of Carlin's report a cause celebre. A few days later, the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill barely passed the Democrat-held House and the Senate warily let the measure die. But EPA released its endangerment finding, which immediately faced an appeals court challenge. As Obama's much-touted "science-based policy" rotted into "policy-based science," Big Green sycophants praised the administration in a quarter-page Washington Post ad. And so we got Hushgate. That was two years ago. Two weeks ago, Carlin's report, updated, expanded, and peer-reviewed, was published in the respected International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Carlin's 47-page, no-nonsense report rips computer modeling, false comparisons between hypotheses and real-world data, and efforts to manipulate climate measurements. Main points: The economic benefits of reducing CO2 emissions are vastly lower than EPA estimates, and the costs are vastly higher. Conclusion: "the risk of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming appears to be so low that it is not currently worth doing anything to try to control it." That will sorely test the influence of Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp, who recently called for disdainful green groups to recognize their waning clout and "adopt a less arrogant approach that takes into account all sides of the global warming debate." Fat chance. Examiner Columnist Ron Arnold is executive vice president of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise. Sponsored Link: Are you age 55 or above? If so, this secret website could help you collect an extra $34,000/year. You don’t have to work or touch regular Wall Street investments. Watch it here.Advertisement GET EMAIL ALERTS  EXAMINER CONNECTMORE BY RON ARNOLDRon Arnold: Obamacrat gunrunners are supplying Mexican cartelsRon Arnold: Congress outside the BeltwayRon Arnold: Democrats face an Environmental Protection Agency dilemmaRon Arnold: Bingaman Senate career shows how to get rich in public serviceRon Arnold: Lots of dirty things have to happen to make clean energyMoreRELATED ARTICLES'Put nothing in writing,' Browner told auto execs on secret White House CAFE talks; Sensenbrenner wants investigationSuppressed EPA scientist breaks silence, speaks on Fox NewsMarlo Lewis: Cap-and-tax is dead but Kyotoism is alive and well at the EPASenate surrenders to the EPAObama's pals escape transparency rules READER COMMENTSAll comments on this page are subject to our Terms of Use and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Examiner or its staff. 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Pat_in_NC1 month agoThank you Mr Arnold and especially Dr. Carlin.The paper is posted online at the mdpi dot com site (see future editions). It is pretty thick reading.The article shows that global warming models are not based on valid science.Nor can the models be verified. They've deleted all the input temperature data so no one else can check their work. They deleted the data knowing there were lawsuits requesting access to the data.What a scam. bornfreeamerican1 month agoDefund and dissolve the FCC and the EPA!!! emmaliza1 month agoThis article must be widely circulated, since most of the media are still worshiping Gaia. abby_adams1 month agoMSM will never broadcast this info. It would only add to debunk the Obama green agenda, just like real science has skewered Big Al's self enriching environmental hype. The greenies will not be satisfied until we have to pay to exhale or keel over holding our breath! Brian H3 weeks agoThat's real "Speaking Truth To Power".   The ROI of CO2 mitigation expenditures is going to be astronomically negative, no matter what measures are used. Peter Roach4 weeks agoSend that to Newt and Nancy as they sat in their love seat. Brian H1 month ago"Policy bent science", I think, not "based".  Nothing really new, but this time it's for all the comments powered by DISQUS  BREAKING HEADLINES Jury chooses death sentence for Tennessee man Decorative concrete enlivens interiors with moldable shapes, rich hues Credo: John Slye As Gingrich exits, remember his gifts as well as flaws

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