Today is Constitution Day! Let's Celebrate!

Constitution Day

September 17, 2010

Today is the Day we celebrate the Constitution ratified into law September, 17, 1787!

 Remember that we are blessed and differentiated from all other people on the globe because of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have a document that has shaped our Country from the inception; that has ordained this great Land that we all so love called The United States of America” .

The freedoms that are so often taken for granted are given to us by our founding fathers in this Document. We have looked at the freedoms granted under our Constitution, we Modern Americans, as running running water, or flipping the switch, expecting the lights to come on. But we must realize that just as what would happen if we neglect the electric bill, we won't have lights, we know that if we don't teach the constitution, those freedoms, created by limitations on government, will be lost! We must celebrate September 17, 2010, by reflecting on the meaning of the Constitution, and the liberties that are imbued in our country because it is the Supreme Law. We must see that without it, we would most definitely become a country no better than those countries from which immigrants fled oppression, and persecution for their beliefs, and practices.

We must renew our commitment to upholding the constitution every year, by being vigilant everyday. This tradition is only as strong as "We The People" are, and shall be!

Let us give thanks to the Creator, that we have been placed as citizens of this one great country on earth that reflects the beauty of the individual and the rights that are granted by that one creator in the realization that they are not GRANTED by Government, but Conversely, that we are protected from government so that we can realize our rights in spite of Government.

That is why we as individuals should always hold government to be limited, lest we be enslaved by it.

This is because the natural progression always holds that there will be persons that believe that they know better than you, and for your own good, they will attempt to protect you from yourself because of  your inability to make decisions in your best interest. To the contrary, we know to our core, that when left alone, and with governments power held in check, then and only then, can we be the best that we can be!


We can be free!



The Constitution and the Bill of Rights protects us from the natural Progression of Government!


On this day, say a prayer that we keep this country and its people protected in all manners by maintaining the one Document sacred, that which keeps us safe from those that would want to destroy us as a nation of  WE THE PEOPLE, from without and within, by Teaching it, protecting it, and defending it, and by abiding by it, The Constitution of The United States of America!

Here is the simple but poignant link ,

that reflects the beauty of this short and meaningful founding document,

without which we would not have the freedoms we take for granted everyday.

But before you go on, and continue your day, say a prayer for those in harms way

who are attempting to keep us safe  from attack from outside enemies and

terrorists while standing guard and fighting, being injured, and giving the

ultimate sacrifice,  in foreign lands throughout the globe. We must pray them and  their safe passage to their homeland that they protect, defend and love. and above all else, May God Bless the United States of America!





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