Dave Wallace, Restore America's Mission President has an appeal for you!

"I have been seeing the onslaught of the left-wing progressives in their
attempt to destroy what is great about our country. They say they "are
about socializing our oil companies, they want to create a single payer health-care system,and they have, they think that man is destroying our ecosystems by
our mere existence, they see that the only way they can save the planet
is by aggressively depopulating, through the promotion of Abortion worldwide, and even more diabolical schemes,all in the guise of saving us all. This
fight has been led by none other than Alan Grayson, A staunch
socialist many people say he is even worse. His comments during the
health care debate were tantamount to describing anyone that didn't want
the progressive model of health care reform as no less than a hater who
wants sick people to die! It is time for this congressional leader of
the progressive caucus to get thrown out. His time of playing havoc with
our legislative process and our blessed country must cease.

There is one man standing in his way, that is the honorable doctor in
the 8th Congressional District of Florida, Ken Miller, MD. He needs your support!

We all know that it is time for conservative leadership in congress. The
way we can do that is to send a message to congress, and send Allan
Grayson packing.
Every bit of political persuasion with his progressive
caucus that he affects, impacts you and every other patriotic American.
Can we stand by any longer and watch? Can we give way to the socialists,
or do we make a stand. It is time We must destroy what is destroying
our country. I say it is patriotic to confront this evil before it grows
any larger, destroying our way of life. Dr. Ken Miller is ready to
confront the Progressives head on!
He needs our support! This is a race that could affect the balance of
power in the House of Representatives for years to come. Ken Miller's victory will bring
sanity back to the House of Representatives, and thus our nation. We all
can take a stand to fight against those who promote envy, and come to
the aid of one of our patriotic Americans who is leading the charge for
Liberty! Ken Miller will be your patriot! Dr Miller will be your sentry
at the gates of the constitution.
He will champion smaller, more limited government! A government that is
of the people, for the people, and by the people of this great land, a
land that we call home, a land founded on the courage and the blood of
our forefathers. We have a solemn duty to protect it! We have a solemn
duty to defend it! And, yes we have a solemn duty to fight for it! We
must always protect what America stands for! The simple principles that
can be enunciated in this simple phrase that we all learned as children!
from the Declaration of Independence having been drafted by Thomas Jefferson "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
 Dr Ken Miller is the kind of man, husband, father, physician, and Leader that
this country so desperately needs. Support him today, and as Newt Gingrich so
aptly put it:
  • Stand up!!!!
  • Step up!!!!
  • Speak up!!!!
  • And Pray up!!!!
          But most importantly,
Have your prayers come to fruition, by helping Ken Miller campaign in
the only way that we can that will allow his advocacy to be known!  Help
him by sharing a gift from your hard earned toils, so he can toil for
Contribute today! Celebrate your Liberty! Celebrate the conservative
way! This god fearing, family loving, American patriot can only defeat
the progressive movement with your financial support. Let's take back
our country! Let's wrench power from the grip of Alan Grayson and the
Progressive caucus before they have completely destroyed our country,
our children's futures and our lives.

  Support Dr. Ken Miller for the House of Representatives."

Ken Miller working hard to defeat Alan Grayson.

Contributions to Ken Miller for Congress are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per election cycle.

We may accept contributions from an individual totaling up to $2,400.00 for the Primary Election, and $2,400.00 for the General Election.

Paid For By Ken Miller For Congress

P.O. Box 2490, Goldenrod, FL 32733--407-810-2207

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