We the People know who, We know why, and Now We must take action.  Its Election time – Time to Restore America!


Now is the time for us to begin sharing, formulating and coordinating game plans to best maximize our effectiveness during the primaries and upcoming general election.  This would include ferreting out the best candidates who emulate solid Constitutional principles. 


While this is an incredibly limited and over-simplification of an extremely complex and nefarious web, I offer this humble assessment of what we are up against, so as to highlight why we must succeed.  Unfortunately through ignorance, complacency, apathy greed, and corruption on the highest order history repeats itself.  We now find ourselves again at a crucial crossroads.  Some refer to this as the Tytler Cycle:

“From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

All of us essentially know who we are dealing with and must defeat directly and indirectly in the upcoming elections.  Call them whatever you like, Globalists, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Progressives, Leftists, self-serving; power mad maniacal crooks, etc. etc. 


At the very top would be the “Overseers/Overlords/Organizers & ultra wealthy Private financiers”.  In general this would include the Ford & Joyce Foundations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, UN, and so on.  Specifically among them would be those such as George Soros, his fellow travelers and their somewhat lesser minions.


After this are the “Lesser Financiers and Puppet Masters”, which manage and carry forth the dictates of those above, which includes manipulating and stealing of the peasantry’s funds.  These would be some of those who currently and formerly controlled many of the financial institutions including Goldman Sachs with its myriad ties to the present U.S. administration and Congress.  Many would also include the U.S. Federal Reserve and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Working in tandem with the “Financiers” are said “Puppet Masters”; the warped geniuses (a fine line between genius and maniac) who put in play the ideas passed down by their masters; who then feed them to their blindly ambitious, self indulgent, delusional, amazingly ignorant puppets with overly enlarged yet shallow egos.  One of the chief puppet masters is Apollo Alliance member Joel Rogers – “Academic” & extreme left political activist; with ties to the Weather Underground and it’s alums Jeff Jones and of course William Ayers and Co.


This takes us then to the lead puppets who ultimately, pathetically, and dutifully crap on those they attempt to subjugate while delegating and carrying out the actual deeds commanded of their soulless beings.  For our purposes I only need to mention one - Barack “Barackio” Obama (watch his ears grow instead of his nose as he tells one whopper after another).


Below that rotten piece of wood in a high dollar empty costume are many of the creatures that profess to be serving as our representatives.  While there are a scant few who remain sincere and are gallantly trying almost in vain to simply hold the line while the tide turns, most are a lost cause and must be replaced.


Many of the mostly immoral cretins among them are simply out to live a decedent life fully at our expense; oblivious and uncaring as to the potential impending destruction of our Nation (among others) and freedom; but those in the levels over them are purely evil, deranged, devious, power mad perhaps to the point of insanity, monsters with an insatiable appetite for world domination…..and


And that more than says enough - somewhat short and not at all sweet.


And now let’s rock & roll!  We must win big in September & November and sustain the effort beyond.

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