What do we do to fight Back?

Dear Morgan, I was just reading about Alinsky, his strategy uses deep seated resentments lying just under the surface to bring about monumental change. He professes to take these resentments, fears, and concerns, stoke them, and magnify them in the minds of the resentful,fearful, and concerned to move them to action. We need to use this strategy to move people to the polls. We have to beat the Leftists, Socialists at their own game. We need to bring about such discontent inside the various conservative factions to get them to the polls. We know that we out number them. There are those that are just below the threshold of moving on their feelings, we have to foment the concerns they have. We don't have to make things up, we don't have to lie. All we have to do is TELL THE TRUTH. We have to educate those that have very little interest in politics. Here are some examples: We have to go to senior centers. We have to tell them how the Medicare program is going to be decimated by the new Health Care Plan. And this brings me to the second situation. It is the dramatic increase in the unionization of the Government Service Sector. We have to tell them that this is the day when the Unions don't represent Steel Workers, and those that move our country forward, they are the representatives of our Federal, State, and Municipal employees. These people can bankrupt our nation. When a union pushes a business to a non-competitive position, and makes the expenses that the employees create through wages, health care benefits, and Pension benefits, as well as sick leave, and personal time, as well as over time benefits and rules, there is no natural regulatory mechanism. In the free market, especially in the age of international competition, the natural competitive forces will bring about the elimination of those businesses that do not head those restrictive mechanisms, for they no longer can compete. Thus we see the estrangulating measures of the union on these businesses causes them to go out of business. When unions become too powerful in the public sector, they have a cancerous effect, they start stealing from the rest of the economy, the rest of those that are in our society by causing taxes to be raised in the private sector to pay for the expenses. We see them fighting for the candidates that will GIVE them the candy they want. Unsustainable wages,health care benefits,Pension benefits, sick leave benefits, as well as sick leave, and personal time, and overtime benefits are the result, then as a unionized working force driving the weak kneed elected officials as well as those that run as candidates to promote even more expensive wages and benefits, or the wrath of the public unions will destroy them! They do this by piling the money from their union dues against them, and simultaneously, support the competitors. We see a huge increase in public sector union enrollment, and actually a falling number in the private sector. This illustrates why we need to foment the tensions of the private sector, including all other sectors that are now being disproportionately effected by the burgeoning public sector. Our private sector needs to say basically: leave us alone, don't tax us to death, and don't explode government entitlements, as well as payrolls, or else we will kill our economy, the back bone of our country! Our only way of fighting these problems, is to find the mechanisms that will get people riled up, we need to work on all cylinders, that means we have to wake people up. We have to motivate them to action. All civil actions that will bring conservatives into the fore! We need to drive them to fighting for their freedoms. We get them to support the candidates that will protect their Constitutional Rights, our Countries sovereignty, and the Cultural integrity of our country. When we say, Cultural Integrity, we are speaking of the Judeo-Christian principles that this country was founded. We need to do this Now! We can no longer look at the unionized employees sympathetically. We must see them as the Unionized thugs, that will never stop belly aching about such poor wages. They have alternatives to the cushie jobs that are almost guaranteed for life. These jobs are almost incorporated in a way that includes an irrevocable contract. This situation needs to be reversed. These employees need to paired from the government roles, dramatically, quickly. We do this by reviewing the programs emposed by government on Americans, and eliminate them, modify them. What do we do to accomplish this, we see what isn't working, and we eliminate the program. We only reward programs that are accomplishing their goals. For instance, if a program is to educate our children. We make sure they are accomplishing the goal of the original legislations intent. If it doesn't it must be eliminated. When the ratio of backroom employees is larger then the number of front line employees, as in the education sector, we must start parring. We have been hearing the fear language from the left, over and over again for years and years. Their tactics work, they work all the time. They have been bombarding our fellow Americans to their success. We need to turn to the manner of the Progressives that has worked all this time. We will not foment envy, we will let the American's one element that we can all agree upon. FEAR!!! So, we need to act like Union Leaders, to foment the fears of all Americans, in a direct way. And the left has given us plenty to fear! These aren't the traditional bleeding heart liberals, they are the Progressives, the name that Saul Alinsky said to use, to camouflage the true allegiance, that of Marxism, Stalinism, and Communism. We need to get to work, we need to move on our beliefs. We have the high ground, we want to move to a vision of this country to the traditional values of Family, Motherhood, Fatherhood. We need to restore the understanding that a hard days work for a days pay. That if you have a dream pursue it. That you can't tax away this drive and attitude. That when you do, you destroy our country. We must stay optimistic for we will be victorious! We will "RESTORE AMERICA'S MISSION!" May God Bless My Family, my Friends, and my Country! Sincerely, Dave Wallace, II

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