It isn't the can they're kicking.
It's the job creators, and the producers. And the savers, and the investors! It is the family run business! And more mature larger successful businesses that started out as just a gleam in the eye.  
It is the objective of this president and Democratic leadership to punish the qualities that make a person virtuous!
We are seeing the destruction of the actual primary trait that created our Country's Success!
The trait of Virtue! A person's hard work must have Merit! In turn, a Person must not be made an object of derision for his success.
Those virtues which give families the opportunity for their children to be successful! And America to be prosperous, so every person can enjoy a life of hope, and opportunity!
Organically, we see a Salmon who is in pristine condition while swimming in the Pacific Ocean. It is healthy, and looks Normal. The stress levels of the Salmon are normal. The physical nature is not damaged. His levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone, the  are in the healthy range. Look at the same Salmon who is in the stress of swimming the Columbia River which has much higher levels of Cortisol, these Salmon have an ugly snarled appearance but worse this stress effects their health, to the degree that even their immune systems are adversely affected. This same circumstance occurs in human beings who harbor hatreds, resentments, and it defeats their ability to function and achieve their goals. It creates alcoholism, and other dependencies. It eliminates the will to work to bring about positive change in one's own life.
Stress is created by resentment and envy.
And this kind of stress can injure a person, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
This leads us to question the kind of society which we want for ourselves, our children and all Americans.
In today's arguments of Fairness we continue to see the seeds of resentment fostered.
We are seeing divisions of income become divisions of classes.
We are a better society than this. In all of the periods of growth and attainment, this philosophy has not been prevalent.
To the contrary!
And for the benefit of all Americans we must resist this attitude that conveys that a person who has a better income has ill-gotten gains when they have themselves attained success through hard work, and persistence. The attitude of resentment of success must  be replaced with the sense that "They did it, now I know I can do it to!" Aristotle called this the perpetual, and never ending fight between Phthonos and Zelos! In English, the war between two contrasting attitudes & cultures, these polar opposite cultural attitudes are, between Envy-Phthonos,and emulation-Zelos! And as we see,
Zelos personifies dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, positive envy, jealousy, and zeal. The English word "zeal" is derived from his name.
A philosophy of envy has destroyed people, families, cultures! It creates hatred and resentment. It creates classes. It perpetuates the belief that any advantages that our fellow man has attained must be derived from evil actions. This fosters resentment and defeats the person who harbors the envy. When a society is propelled through government in this direction. It will create a failure of society as a whole. It will ultimately destroy the Country itself! We must do all we can to end this type of resentment created by envy in all we do.
In polar contrast, the emulation society doesn't resent, but instead when a person is successful, it allows the observer to create an emotional reaction which is one of happiness for their fellowman, which gives all of us inspiration! For we are inspired to work to achieve our goals! And its the attitude, as an example: Ray did a great job!  And he is no longer Ray, but he is a "RAY" of hope and encouragement to ourselves to be inspired to do good things, to do productive things, to do heroic things and to give our all,  to never give up, to clean that floor, night after night, so he can see his work become achievement! So he can be the Inspiration of his children's and neighbors' and friends' Aspirations! Our society will either succeed or fail!  We must see that through success of others, the path for success is shown for ourselves.  Every inventor, every entrepreneur, every mom and dad, every child must be shown that the path to personal success which frees us from resentment of others, but instead compels us by the success of others IS the Right Path!
Every culture which has pursued and promoted Zelos has grown. Every culture which has harbored Phthonos has suffered and been crushed under its own weight of hatred.
A strong economy is predicated on first and foremost a society where each and every active member, student, worker, teacher, sees that they have an opportunity to do good for themselves and their families and the organizations they represent. We need to create a stake holder society.
Now is the time to turn the tide!
So, this must be our National philosophy before we go over the Cultural Cliff!
We must defeat Phthonos and promote Zelos! As we must be a nation that will always reach new heights of achievement and never be satisfied with today's success as we reach our always greater zenith of accomplishment as our lives so too, are filled with accomplishment, a sense of pride, and love for thy neighbor! 

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