Welfare rolls slashed across the U.S. Welfare caseloads nationwide have declined by nearly 58% since the landmark overhaul of the nation's welfare system in 1996. How the numbers of families receiving welfare has changed, by state and territory (December 2005 figures are the most recent available): State Aug. 1996 families Dec. 2005 families Pct. change State Aug. 1996 families Dec. 2005 families Pct. change State Aug. 1996 families Dec. 2005 families Pct. change Ala. 41,032 20,316 -50.5% La. 67,467 13,888 -79.4% Ore. 29,917 20,194 -32.5% Alaska 12,159 3,590 -70.5% Maine 20,007 9,516 -52.4% Pa. 186,342 97,469 -47.7% Ariz. 62,404 41,943 -32.8% Md. 70,665 22,530 -68.1% Puerto Rico 49,871 14,562 -70.8% Ark. 22,069 8,283 -62.5% Mass. 84,700 47,950 -43.4% R.I. 20,670 10,063 -51.3% Calif. 880,378 453,819 -48.5% Mich. 169,997 81,882 -51.8% S.C. 44,060 16,234 -63.2% Colo. 34,486 15,303 -55.6% Minn. 57,741 27,589 -52.2% S.D. 5,829 2,876 -50.7% Conn. 57,326 18,685 -67.4% Miss. 46,428 14,636 -68.5% Tenn. 97,187 69,361 -28.6% Del. 10,585 5,744 -45.7% Mo. 80,123 39,715 -50.4% Texas 243,504 77,693 -68.1% D.C. 25,350 16,209 -36.1% Mont. 10,114 3,947 -61.0% Utah 14,221 8,151 -42.7% Fla. 200,922 57,361 -71.5% Neb. 14,435 10,016 -30.6% Vt. 8,765 4,479 -48.9% Ga. 123,329 35,621 -71.1% Nev. 13,712 5,691 -58.5% Virgin Islands 1,371 421 -69.3% Guam 2,243 3,072 37.0% N.H. 9,100 6,150 -32.4% Va. 61,905 9,615 -84.5% Hawaii 21,894 7,243 -66.9% N.J. 101,704 42,198 -58.5% Wash. 97,492 55,910 -42.7% Idaho 8,607 1,870 -78.3% N.M. 33,353 17,773 -46.7% W.Va. 37,044 11,275 -69.6% Ill. 220,297 38,129 -82.7% N.Y. 418,338 139,220 -66.7% Wis. 51,924 17,970 -65.4% Ind. 51,437 48,213 -6.3% N.C. 110,060 31,746 -71.2% Wyo. 4,312 294 -93.2% Iowa 31,579 17,215 -45.5% N.D. 4,773 2,789 -41.6% U.S. total 4,408,508 1,870,039 -57.6% Kan. 23,790 17,400 -26.9% Ohio 204,240 81,425 -60.1%         Ky. 71,264 33,691 -52.7% Okla. 35,986 11,104 -69.1%

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